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dc.contributor.authorChaus, A.S.-
dc.contributor.authorMaksimenko, A.V.-
dc.contributor.authorFedosenko, N.N.-
dc.contributor.authorČaplovič, Ľ.-
dc.contributor.authorMyshkovets, V.N.-
dc.identifier.citationFormation of Structure of a High-Speed Steel upon Laser Surface Melting / A.S. Chaus, A.V. Maksimenko, N.N. Fedosenko [et. al.] ; F. Skorina Gomel State UniversityGomel // Physics of Metals and Metallography. - 2019. - Vol. 120, No. 3. - pp. 269–277.ru
dc.description.abstractThe effect of time and energy parameters of the pulsed laser treatment on the structure formation and hardness of high-speed steel upon surface melting after complete heat treatment has been studied. The results of the metallographic analysis and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy of the steel, as well as of the microhardness measurements, have been discussed. It has been shown that the laser-induced remelting causes a significant refinement of both the dendritic structure of the solid solution and of the carbide constituent of the high-speed steel. The structure of the laser-affected zone and the morphology of dendrites depend on the laser treatment regimes.ru
dc.subjecthigh-speed steelru
dc.subjectlaser remeltingru
dc.titleFormation of Structure of a High-Speed Steel upon Laser Surface Meltingru
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