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dc.contributor.authorКонцевая, И.И.-
dc.contributor.authorШевцова, Л.В.-
dc.identifier.citationКонцевая, И.И. Действие цитокининов и антибиотика цефотаксима на процесс регенерации листовых эксплантов Betula рendula Roth. var. carelica Merckl. / И.И. Концевая, Л.В. Шевцова // Вестник БГУ. Серия 2. - 2012. - № 2. - С. 30-34.ru
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted the studying of influence of cytokinins and antibiotic cefotaxim on the regeneration of leaf explants of two Karelian birch clones. The variation of induction of shoots formation frequency on the leaf explants of two Karelian birches clones 76 and 81 is revealed. High organogenic ability of leaf explants of clone 76 is established in comparison with clone 81. Optimum concentration of TDZ in a nutritive medium, stimulating organogenesis in vitro is 0,0005÷0,005 mg/l. High proliferative activity of adventive buds and shoots is revealed at addition of 2,0 mg/l BAP and 5,0 mg/l zeatin in medium. Addition 500 mg/l of the antibiotic cefotaxim in medium containing thidiazuron and zeatin essentially raises the effect of stimulation of regenerative activity of the Karelian birch somatic tissues by these regulators of growth.ru
dc.publisherБелорусский государственный университетru
dc.titleДействие цитокининов и антибиотика цефотаксима на процесс регенерации листовых эксплантов Betula рendula Roth. var. carelica Merckl.ru
dc.identifier.udk581.14.6 : 674.031.632.134.2-
dc.rootВестник БГУru
dc.seriesСерия 2ru
dc.number№ 2ru
Appears in Collections:Статьи

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