Title: Школьный буллинг: теоретический аспект
Authors: Пылишева, И.А.
Keywords: bullying
school bullying
bullying factors
bullying structure
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Пылишева, И.А. Школьный буллинг: теоретический аспект / И.А. Пылишева // Conferință științifico-practică națională cu praticipare internațională “Formarea inițială și continuă a psihologilor în domeniul protecției copilului față de violență”, 26 octombrie 2018. - Chișinău, 2018. - С. 38-45.
Abstract: School bullying is a type of violence in which there is coercion, the use of force between children or teachers in relation to students. The prevention of school violence is an essential task of the state, since the abuse of a child inevitably leads to negative consequences. Along with obvious and verbalized forms of aggression, there are often cases of its hidden and carefully disguised manifestations. Today, it can be argued that the Commission of violent acts by children against other children is directly linked to their own psychological distress: as a rule, the basis of the cruel behavior of children and adolescents is their own traumatic experience.
URI: https://elib.gsu.by/handle123456789/69291
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