Browsing by Author Капшай, В.Н.

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017A general solution of the Dirac equation with superposition of δ -potentials and its applicationFialka, S.I.; Kapshai, V.N.; Фиалка, С.И.; Капшай, В.Н.
2013A method of approximate solution of the Dirac equation for the case of particle scattering on analytical potentialsKapshai, V.N.; Капшай, В.Н.; Fialka, S.I.; Фиалка, С.И.
2017An approximate solution method for the quasipotential equations with local spin-orbital potentialsFialka, S.I.; Kapshai, V.N.; Grishechkin, Y.A.; Фиалка, С.И.; Капшай, В.Н.; Гришечкин, Ю.А.
2021Analysis of the spatial distribution of the second-harmonic radiation generated in a thin surface layer of a spheroidal dielectric particleKapshai, V.N.; Shamyna, A.A.; Talkachov, A.I.; Капшай, В.Н.; Шамына, А.А.; Толкачёв, А.И.
2001Circularly polarised electromagnetic wave scattering on bi-isotropic full-sphere in chiral mediumKapshai, V.N.; Kondartjuk, V.V.; Капшай, В.Н.
1981Covariant three-dimensional equations for bound states of quarks and the structure functions of hadronsKapshay, V.N.; Linkevich, A.D.; Skachkov, N.V.; Savrin, V.I.; Капшай, В.Н.; Линкевич, А.Д.; Скачков, Н.В.
2001Expansion on plane waves and integral transformations between x− and r− representationsKapshai, V.N.; Капшай, В.Н.
2011Form-factors of relativistic bound state systems of two scalar particles with one-boson exchange potentialKapshai, V.N.; Grishechkin, Yu.A.; Капшай, В.Н.; Гришечкин, Ю.А
2021Maxima of the power density of the second–harmonic generation from a linear structure of long cylindrical dielectric particlesKapshai, V.N.; Talkachov, A.I.; Shamyna, A.A.; Капшай, В.Н.; Толкачёв, А.И.; Шамына, А.А.
2013Numerical solution of relativistic equations for bound p-STATES of two-particle systemsКапшай, В.Н.; Фиалка, С.И.; Kapshai, V. N.; Fialka, S. I.
2001One-photon exchange quasipotential matrix for a system of e− and N-scalar particlesKapshai, V.N.; Tyumenkov, G.Y.; Капшай, В.Н.; Тюменков, Г.Ю.
2021Partial two-particle equations in the relativistic configurational representation for scattering p-states in the case of a superposition of two δ-function potentialsKapshai, V.N.; Grishechkina, A.A.; Капшай, В.Н.; Гришечкина, А.А.
2013Relativistic two-particle equations with superposition of delta-shell potentials: scattering and bound statesKapshai, V.N.; Grishechkin, Y.A.; Капшай, В.Н.; Гришечкин, Ю.А.
1999Relativistic two-particle one-dimensional scattering problem for superposition of δ-potentialsKapshai, V.N.; Alferova, T.A.; Капшай, В.Н.; Алферова, Т.А.
2011Relativistic two-particle Sturm-Liouville problem in the momentum representation: exact and numerical solutionsKapshai, V.N.; Fialka, S.I.; Korsun, L.D.; Капшай, В.Н.; Фиалка, С.И.; Корсун, Л.Д.
2013Resonance states spectrum and quantum field theory equations for the two-particle systemsКапшай, В.Н.; Шиляева, К.П.; Гришечкин, Ю.А.; Kapshai, V.N.; Shilyaeva, K.P.; Grishechkin, Y.A.
2013Resonance structure of the scattering cross sections in the mie problem and the amplitudes in the complex planeКапшай, В.Н.; Шамина, А.А.; Кондратюк, В.В.; Kapshai, V.N.; Shamyna, A.A.; Kondratjuk, V.V.
2011Second Harmonic Generation from the surface of spherical particles in Nonlinear Rayleigh-Gans-Debye Model with the dispersionKapshai, V. N.; Viarbitskaya, S. A.; van der Meulen, P.; Hansson, T.; Капшай, В.Н.; Вербицкая, С.А.; ван дер Мюлен, П.; Ханссон, Т.
2010Size dependence of second-harmonic generation at the surface of microspheresViarbitskaya, S.; Kapshai, V.N.; Meulen, P. Van Der; Hansson, H.; Капшай, В.Н.
2015The rayleigh-gans-debye model of shg from the finite cylinder in case of normal incidence of a plane waveKapshai, V.N.; Shamyna, A.A.; Капшай, В.Н.; Шамына, А.А.