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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Analysis of the age dynamics of competitive activity in athletics all-around in the aspect of sexual dimorphismNetsvetaeva, E.S.; Borovaya, V.A.; Vrublevskiy, E.P.; Sevdalev, S.V.; Нецветаева, Е.С.; Боровая, В.А.; Врублевский, Е.П.; Севдалев, С.В.
2022Characteristics of the functional readiness of professional female athletes involved in modern pentathlonSevdalev, S.V.; Севдалев, С.В.
2023Competitive activity analysis of highly qualified female athletes specializing in modern pentathlon in the age aspectNarskin, G.I.; Sevdalev, S.V.; Нарскин, Г.И.; Севдалев, С.В.
2015Content of health related shaping training methodic for girls in the process of physical educationSkidan, A.A.; Sevdalev, S.V.; Vrublewskiy, E.P.
2020Features of construction of a training process at the precompetitive stage of preparation of qualified sportswomen specializing in the modern pentathlonSevdalev, S.V.; Vrublevskiy, E.P.; Kozhedub, M.S.; Севдалев, С.В.; Врублевский, Е.П.; Кожедуб, М.С.
2022Improving the efficiency of training qualified athletes in the athletics heptathlonBorovaya, V.A.; Netsvetaeva, E.S.; Vrublevskiy, E.P.; Sevdalev, S.V.; Боровая, В.А.; Нецветаева, Е.С.; Врублевский, Е.П.; Севдалев, С.В.
2020Methodology of optimization of the tempo-rhythmic structure of the run-up of female pole vaulters of 14-16 years oldBorovaya, V.A.; Vrublevskiy, E.P.; Sevdalev, S.V.; Боровая, В.А.; Врублевский, Е.П.; Севдалев, С.В.
2023Metrologically and ideologically correct ranking system of athletes in modern pentathlonStarchenko, V.N.; Sevdalev, S.V.; Старченко, В.Н.; Севдалев, С.В.
2021Modeling of the competitive activity of highly qualified female athletes specializing in modern pentathlonSevdalev, S.V.; Vrublevskiy, E.P.; Aleinik, E.; Севдалев, С.В.; Врублевский, Е.П.; Алейник, Е.
2019Modelling of the competitive activities of qualified female shortdistance runners, taking into account their individual characteristicsVrublevskiy, E.P.; Sevdalev, S.V.; Lashkevich, S.V.; Gerkusov, A.S.
2019Modelling of the competitive activities of qualified female shortdistance runners, taking into account their individual characteristicsVrublevskiy, Е.Р.; Sevdalev, S.V.; Lashkevich, S.V.; Gerkusov, A.S.; Врублевский, Е.П.; Севдалев, С.В.; Лашкевич, С.В.; Геркусов, А.С.
2022Morphofunctional features of the manifestation of sexual dimorphism in highly qualified athletes specializing in modern pentathlonSevdalev, S.V.; Vrublevskiy, E.P.; Alejnik, E.A.; Севдалев, С.В.; Врублевский, Е.П.; Алейник, Е.А.
2022Morphological and functional features of the manifestation of sexual dimorphism in highly qualified pentathletesSevdalev, S.V.; Vrublevskiy, E.P.; Alejnik, E.A.; Vyrskiy, M.M.; Севдалев, С.В.; Врублевский, Е.П.; Алейник, Е.А.; Вырский, М.М.
2018Physiological characteristics of highly qualified athletes in the dynamics of the ovarian–menstrual cycleSevdalev, S.V.; Kozhedub, M.S.; Orlik, N.A.
2018Physiological characteristics of highly qualified athletes in the dynamics of the ovarian–menstrual cycleSevdalev, S.V.; Kozhedub, M.S.; Orlik, N.A.; Севдалев, С.В.; Кожедуб, М.С.; Орлик, Н.А.
2023Structural-content model of competitive culture of athletes, specializing in modern pentathlonStarchenko, V.N.; Sevdalev, S.V.; Старченко, В.Н.; Севдалев, С.В.
2020The importance of individualization in the training of qualified athletes specializing in complex types of miltiathlonSevdalev, S.V.; Севдалев, С.В.
2021The methodology of general physical training in an annual training cycle of qualified female athletes specializing in kayakingMedvedev, P.Yu.; Sevdalev, S.V.; Vrublevskiy, E.P.; Медведев, П.Ю.; Севдалев, С.В.; Врублевский, Е.П.
2024The Mistakes Causes in the Pole Vaults Entry Phase and Correction MethodsBondarenko, K.K.; Bondarenko, А.Е.; Stepankova, A.A.; Sevdalev, S.V.; Бондаренко, К.К.; Бондаренко, А.Е.; Степанькова, А.А.; Севдалев, С.В.
2016Воздействие физкультурно-оздоровительных занятий на компонентный состав тела женщин среднего возрастаКожедуб, М.С.; Севдалев, С.В.; Врублевский, Е.П.; Kozhedub, M.S.; Sevdalev, S.V.; Wroblewskiy, E.P.