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dc.contributor.authorТрацевская, Е.Ю.-
dc.contributor.authorАкулевич, А.Ф.-
dc.contributor.authorФедосенко, Л.Л.-
dc.contributor.authorВерутин, М.Г.-
dc.contributor.authorTratsevskaya, Ye.Yu.-
dc.contributor.authorAkulevich, A.F.-
dc.contributor.authorFedosenko, L.L.-
dc.contributor.authorVerutin, M.G.-
dc.identifier.citationОпыт проведения учебных практик по геологическим дисциплинам в УО "Гомельский государственный университет имени Ф. Скорины" = Experience of practical training in geological sciences gained at the educational institution «Gomel state university named after F. Skoryna» / Е.Ю. Трацевская [и др.] // Літасфера. - 2012. - №1 (36). - С. 75-82.ru
dc.description.abstractВ статье рассмотрены учебно-методические вопросы, опыт организации и проведения учебных полевых практик студентов, обучающихся специальности "геология и разведка месторождений полезных ископаемых", по общей структурной геологии, а также по методике буровых работ в УО "Гомельский государственный университет имени Ф. Скорины". Подчеркивается их роль в подготовке высококвалифицированных специалистов-геологов. The field practical training is the most important and compulsory stage of development of the presentday highly skilled professional geologists, being a significant integral part of the educational process. Practical training activities seek to provide a practical backing to the theoretical knowledge and to give practical experience in special subjects of geology and exploration of mineral deposits. With the transition to trainingoriented education the importance of the field practical work in development of highly skilled geologists has considerably increased. At the Gomel State University named after Francisk Skoryna geology-oriented practical training is carried out in accordance with the curriculum in three special subjects: general geology, geological surveying and mapping, drilling. The paper presents a brief description of these types of the field practical training and of the experience gained in them, that can be also useful for the other universities and higher educational institutions of Belarus with geology-oriented practical training, as well as for the development of the curricula and standard programs of studies for the specialty «geology and exploration of mineral deposits». The main feature of the field geological training of students at the Gomel State University is the integrated nature of every individual field training case. Besides, there is a close interaction of the field training works with class studies, i. e. the materials, including rock and core samples brought by the first- and second-year students, are widely used by the third-year students in development of their yearly essays.ru
dc.titleОпыт проведения учебных практик по геологическим дисциплинам в УО "Гомельский государственный университет имени Ф. Скорины"ru
dc.title.alternativeExperience of practical training in geological sciences gained at the educational institution «Gomel state university named after F. Skoryna»ru
dc.number1 (36)ru
Appears in Collections:Статьи

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