Title: Information Economy: Institutions and Model of Functioning
Authors: Baranov, A.M.
Баранов, А.М.
Keywords: Information
Information innovations
Institutional structure
Informationtransaction costs
Information economy subsystems
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Baranov, A.M. Information Economy: Institutions and Model of Functioning / A.M. Baranov // Journal of Sociology and Ethnology. - 2022. - Vol. 4, Num. 3. - P. 79-88.
Abstract: New institutions of the information economy, that coordinate the interaction of state institutions, business and individuals, the state policy of development of organizational and information infrastructure of modern economy were identified; foreign and domestic experience in the development of elements of the institutional structure of the information economy were presented, an author's model of institutional relationships between subsystems of the information economy was developed, the assessment of the economic efficiency of the information economy from the point of view of reducing the value of information and transaction costs was proposed, the relationship between modern information innovations and low transaction costs, their impact on competitiveness at micro-, and macro-levels is considered, promising financial instruments of the information economy, modern trends in the development of payment systems in Russia and Belarus are presented.
URI: http://elib.gsu.by/jspui/handle/123456789/42051
Appears in Collections:Статьи

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