Title: Instrumental System of Distance Learning DL.GSU.BY and Examples of its Application
Authors: Dolinsky, M.S.
Долинский, М.С.
Keywords: distance learning instrumental system
blended learning
fundamentals of digital electronics
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Dolinsky, M. Instrumental System of Distance Learning DL.GSU.BY and Examples of its Application / M. Dolinsky // Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology: G Interdisciplinary. - 2022. - Vol. 22, Issue G1. - P. 44-53.
Abstract: The basic capabilities of the distance learning instrumental system DL.GSU.BY (hereinafter DL) are described, such as: presentation of the theory/references to students; presentation of tasks to students/sending by them files-solutions; acceptance and automatic verification of the solutions; checking files of arbitrary structure with arbitrary extensions by specialized programs; interactive tasks; manual verification of solutions; assignment of tests; differentiated presentation of tasks; flash lectures and flash tasks integrating learning with control; forum for academic subjects; surveys; control works; exams; supervised student authentication; special tools for creating tasks; the ability to set new tasks by students; input of results of manual checks (control of the theory, bonuses); flexible result tables; automatic rating; automatic formation of statements of examinations and tests. The word instrumental means that it can be used as a tool for automating distance learning in a wide variety of subject areas. In addition, the paper presents examples of the use/ application of DL, such as: developmental education for preschoolers, teaching text programming (in Pascal) in elementary school, teaching programming in middle and high school; teaching students of the faculty of mathematics and technology of programming of the Gomel State University named after F. Skorina.
URI: http://elib.gsu.by/jspui/handle/123456789/54044
ISSN: 0975-4350
Appears in Collections:Статьи

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