Title: Организация профессионально ориентированной практической подготовки специалистов по межкультурной коммуникации и переводу: опыт идейного сотрудничества белорусского и российского вузов
Other Titles: Organization of professionally oriented practical training of specialists for intercultural communication and translation: Experience of ideological cooperation between Belarusian and Russian universities
Authors: Аликина, Е.В.
Починок, Т.В.
Alikina, E.V.
Pochinok, T.V.
Keywords: межкультурная коммуникация
профессиональная языковая личность
внеаудиторная работа
межкультурная практика
межкультурный проект
intercultural communication
professional language personality
extracurricular work
intercultural practice
intercultural project
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Томский государственный университет
Citation: Аликина, Е.В. Организация профессионально ориентированной практической подготовки специалистов по межкультурной коммуникации и переводу: опыт идейного сотрудничества белорусского и российского вузов / Е.В. Аликина, Т.В. Починок // Вестник Томского государственного университета. - 2023. - № 495. - С. 140–147.
Abstract: Рассматривается образовательная деятельность двух региональных многопрофильных вузов, направленная на разностороннюю профессиональную подготовку специалистов в области межкультурной коммуникации и перевода. Приводятся механизмы интеграции межкультурного содержания во внеучебную и научно-исследовательскую деятельность студентов, а также в учебную и производственную практики. Представлены результаты опроса, в ходе которого выявлены наиболее ценные для приобретения профессионального опыта формы организации внеаудиторной работы. Установлено, что образовательные программы разных вузов характеризуются «идейной совместимостью», что создает значимые предпосылки для развития академического сотрудничества. = The authors substantiate the concept of cooperation between two regional multidisciplinary universities aimed at versatile training of specialists in the field of intercultural communication and translation. The relevance of the study is due to the need to create mechanisms for the integration of intercultural content of curriculum in extracurricular and research activities of students, as well as in educational and industrial practices. In the course of the study, it was found that students’ educational activities in the classroom, performed in an educational institution under the direct guidance of a teacher, are not enough to achieve the goals of the pedagogical process in its full sense related to the formation of a professional language personality. In this regard, the formation of a harmonious language personality, correlated with a more large-scale pedagogical orientation towards the professional development of future specialists, is put forward as the purpose of teaching intercultural interaction and translation. The results of a survey conducted among students confirmed the special value of extracurricular activities to gain professional experience. The analysis of pedagogical literature showed that multidisciplinary universities that implement educational programs in linguistic areas accumulated rich experience in the introduction of various forms of extracurricular work. The article provides examples of integration of students’ educational and extracurricular activities. In Francisk Skorina Gomel State University during the implementation of the program of linguistic support for intercultural communications (international tourism), students are trained to organize effective communication in various fields of international cooperation. In order to master students’ knowledge about the ethnopsychological characteristics of foreign-language cultures, respect for intercultural uniqueness, deeper understanding of their native culture, extracurricular events are organized, e.g., Culture Is the Fifth Skill, an international thematic discussion; academic seminars about the ethnocultural features of representatives of different cultural communities; educational investigation on intercultural communication aimed at deepening knowledge in the field of intercultural communications and the acquisition of research skills. At Perm National Research Polytechnic University, linguistic preparation is being performed at the Translation and Translation Studies profile. The context of a polytechnic university determines the objective orientation of the content of students’ learning and research activities to the advanced spheres of science, technology, and business. The experience of conducting such career guidance measures as the Interpreter Club contest with invited speakers, a student conference, a course on intercultural communication and intercultural practice. As a result of the study, the authors found that educational programs of various universities are characterized by “ideological compatibility”, which creates a significant basis for the development of academic cooperation.
URI: https://elib.gsu.by/handle123456789/67402
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