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dc.contributor.authorSazhyna, A.V.-
dc.contributor.authorKoptelov, A.V.-
dc.contributor.authorEdgington, W.D.-
dc.contributor.authorСажина, Е.В.-
dc.identifier.citationSazhyna, A.V. Occasional Semes that Form the Semantic Field of the Polemic Component of the Print Media: Discourse on the Material of the English Language / A.V. Sazhyna, A.V. Koptelov, W.D. Edgington // National forum of applied educational research journal. – 2024. – Vol. 37, № 3. – P. [1-11].ru
dc.description.abstractThis article deals with the study of the cognitive-semantic block of the polemic component of the discourse of print media. That is, the intensity index allows one or another genre of press to be attributed to the structural elements of the polemic discourse. The calculation of the intensity index of the polemic component (which is formed by means of such elements as actants and circonstants with usual and occasional semes), makes it possible to attribute the texts of press genres to the core, near and far periphery of the polemic discourse.ru
dc.subjectpolemic discourse of print mediaru
dc.subjectcognitive-semantic blockru
dc.subjectintensity indexru
dc.subjectusual and occasional semesru
dc.titleOccasional Semes that Form the Semantic Field of the Polemic Component of the Print Media: Discourse on the Material of the English Languageru
dc.rootNational forum of applied educational research journalru
dc.number№ 3ru
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