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dc.contributor.authorDubrouka, А.-
dc.identifier.citationDubrouka, А. Cultural situation on Belarusian territories in the 9th-13th centuries (the text of the lectures presented on november, 12th and 13th, 2018 at the university of Tübingen, as part of the Erasmus+ program) = Культурная ситуация на территории Беларуси в 9–13 веках (текст лекций, представленных 12 и 13 ноября 2018 года в университете г. Тюбинген в рамках программы Еrasmus+) / А. Dubrouka // Делом и истиной : сборник научных трудов, посвященный 10-летнему юбилею сотрудничества между историками университетов Беларуси и Тюбингенского университета / под науч. ред. докт. ист. наук, проф. О. Б. Келлер. – Минск : РИВШ, 2019. – С. 12-26.ru
dc.description.abstractThe work aims to show cultural situation on Belarusian territories in the 9th-13th centuries, i.e. in the time from the formation of the first states on Belarusian territories till the formation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In the lecture medieval rural settlements and towns arising and structure are explained; main findings, characterizing material culture of the period are described; the monumental architecture of the lands in focus is shown as the highest achievement of the period. The non-material culture is paid attention to as well. It’s reviled that the described period was the time when pagan beliefs were gradually replaced by a single state Christian religion, writing and literacy were actively spread on the Belarusian territories.ru
dc.subjectBelarusian territorieru
dc.subjectmaterial cultureru
dc.subjectmonumental architectureru
dc.subjectEuphrosyne of Polotskru
dc.titleCultural situation on Belarusian territories in the 9th-13th centuries (the text of the lectures presented on november, 12th and 13th, 2018 at the university of Tübingen, as part of the Erasmus+ program)ru
dc.title.alternativeКультурная ситуация на территории Беларуси в 9–13 веках (текст лекций, представленных 12 и 13 ноября 2018 года в университете г. Тюбинген в рамках программы Еrasmus+)ru
dc.rootДелом и истинойru
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