Title: 3D-modeling of Augmented Reality objects using Shi-Tomasi corner detection algorithms
Authors: Demidenko, O.M.
Aksionova, N.A.
Varuyeu, A.V.
Kucharav, A.I.
Демиденко, О.М.
Аксёнова, Н.А.
Воруев, А.В.
Кучеров, А.И.
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: 3D-modeling of Augmented Reality objects using Shi-Tomasi corner detection algorithms / O.M. Demidenko, N.A. Aksionova, A.V. Varuyeu [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Conference Series: 2091. - 2021. - № 012058. - P. [1-9].
Abstract: This article covers development of the Python-based software module for Blender 3D, as well as it covers research of Shi-Tomasi corner detection algorithm using the developer’s construction documents. The corners detected may be used for further three - dimensional modelling, replanting not requiring adjustment of the construction documents, or may be used for retrieval of the accurate data.
URI: https://elib.gsu.by/handle123456789/72969
Appears in Collections:Статьи

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