Browsing by Author Dolinsky, M.S.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 37  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017A New Generation Distance Learning System for Programming and Olympiads in InformaticsDolinsky, M.S.; Долинский, М.С.
2023About one approach to the study of the topic “Synthesis of combinational circuits using Carnot maps”Dolinsky, M.S.; Долинский, М.С.
2024Anticipating Students' Preferences: Investigating Factors Influencing the Choice between Block-Code and SourceCode ProgrammingMuhammad Anwar Abdul Halim; Sharmili Mohamed Rafi; Engku Mohamad Engku Abdullah; Mohamad Hafizi Masdar; Dolinsky, M.S.; Daniel Makini Getuno; Долинский, М.С.
2022Experience of Blended Learning the Fundamentals of Digital Electronics for First/Second Year University students On Base of Distance Learning System DL.GSU.BYDolinsky, M.S.; Долинский, М.С.
2016Gomel Training School for Olympiads in InformaticsDolinsky, M.S.; Долинский, М.С.
2024High School Programming Olympiads in Gomel RegionDolinsky, M.S.; Долинский, М.С.
2018How to Start Teaching Programming at Primary SchoolDolinsky, M.S.; Dolinskaya, M.; Долинский, М.С.; Долинская, М.
2022Instrumental System of Distance Learning DL.GSU.BY and Examples of its ApplicationDolinsky, M.S.; Долинский, М.С.
2022Primary School Programming Olympiads in Gomel Region (Belarus)Dolinsky, M.S.; Долинский, М.С.
2023Secondary School Programming Olympiads in Gomel RegionDolinsky, M.S.; Долинский, М.С.
2022Teaching Algorithms and Programming First Year University students on Base of Distance Learning System DL.GSU.BYDolinsky, M.S.; Долинский, М.С.
2024Teaching Programming toSchoolchildren in Gomel (Belarus)Dolinsky, M.S.; Долинский, М.С.
2020The Technology of Differentiated Instruction in Text Programming in Elementary School Based on the Website dl.gsu.byDolinsky, M.S.; Dolinskaya, M.
2022Tool HLCCAD for Blended Learning the Fundamentals of Digital ElectronicsDolinsky, M.S.; Долинский, М.С.
2022Tool HLCCAD for Blended Learning the Fundamentals of Digital ElectronicsDolinsky, M.S.; Долинский, М.С.
2019Training in Writing the Simplest Programs from Early AgesDolinsky, M.S.; Dolinskaya, M.M.; Долинский, М.С.; Долинская, М.М.
2023Trends in the Development of Basic Computer Education at UniversitiesDolinsky, M.S.; Долинский, М.С.
2018Введение в решение задач на тему "Исследование"Долинский, М.С.; Dolinsky, M.S.
2018Введение в решение задач с помощью жадного алгоритмаДолинский, М.С.; Dolinsky, M.S.
2023Задачи на рекуррентное соотношение «все суммы»Долинский, М.С.; Dolinsky, M.S.