Название: Проблемы единства в социально-экономических концепциях левых демократов Германии: реальности сегодняшнего дня и перспективы
Другие названия: Unity Problems in the Social Economic Conceptions of Left Democrats in Germany: the Present-day Realities and Prospects
Авторы: Сорвиров, Б.В.
Дата публикации: 2000
Библиографическое описание: Сорвиров, Б.В. Проблемы единства в социально-экономических концепциях левых демократов Германии: реальности сегодняшнего дня и перспективы / Б.В. Сорвиров // Белорусский журнал международного права и международных отношений. — 2000. — № 3. - С. 182-196.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The article is devoted to the analysis of the processes of the left democratic movement consolidation in the search for an alternative of the development of modern society of the FRG at the turn of the XXI century. In the situation when the foundations of world outlook conceptions, which had seemed immovable, have been shaken, the necessity of grounding new doctrines to allow to comprehend n ew realities, which have emerged, and to determine further ways for the development of society is becoming increasingly obvious. This process involves diverse standards of public thinking, including all democratic left forces. The left democratic movement in Germany is a fairly complex social political and ideological phenomenon. The recent victory of the left at the parliamentary elections to the Bundestag, the shifts that have taken place in the democratic movement and the expansion of its base contribute to a greater animation in the discussion of their role in Europe and in the FRG in particular. However, the implementation of the tasks of society democratisation and the very prospects of the left movement development depend to a great extent on their unity and collaboration, on their j o i n t actions for their common ideals and interests. The article analyses different points of view on the consolidation of the left, their conceptual views on society democratisation and overcoming negative trends in social economic development of the state. Though not always consistent in representing general human ideals and interests, the left strive, as witnessed by the facts, to give creative interpretation to n ew trends and phenomena in the contemporary reality of Germany, Europe and the world in general and, taking them into consideration, to adjust their strategy and tactics and to establish the common ground and common politics. The attitude to Marxism and the view on socialism are the two most serious contradictions in the left democratic movement. But here, too, the ways of overcoming disagreement have emerged recently. The old discussions on these points are becoming immaterial and shift into the realm of historical reminiscences. The search for a n ew paradigm of human development and a n ew strategy for the left as a whole is coming to the fore. But the movement toward unity does not cancel the historical individuality of every left movement in the FRG. Starting from their separate positions they are moving in one direction, changing with the times.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://elib.gsu.by/jspui/handle/123456789/40254
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