Название: Проблема зависти у подростков, оставшихся без попечения родителей
Авторы: Лупекина, Е.А.
Ключевые слова: envy
Дата публикации: 2020
Издательство: Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi
Библиографическое описание: Лупекина, Е.А. Проблема зависти у подростков, оставшихся без попечения родителей / Е.А. Лупекина // Psihologia în mileniul III: provocări și soluții = Psychology in the 3rd millennium: challenges and sollutions : мaterialele Conferinţei Știinţifice Internaţionale, 25 octombrie 2019 : [în vol.] / comitetul ştiinţific: Silvia Briceag (preşedinte) [et al.]. – Bălţi : S. n., 2020. - Р. 195-199.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The article is dedicated to the analysis of the phenomenon of envy, its manifestations and mechanisms of occurrence. In the article are presented the results of the investigation of types of envy: envy-hostility and envy-despondency – in the adolescents among the orphan children bringing up in the biological families. Adolescents bringing up in a home setting experience less the manifestations of both types of envy (envy-hostility and envy-despondency). The manifestations of the phenomenon of envy in the adolescents among the orphan children put them at risk in the field of socio-psychological relations of the individual.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://elib.gsu.by/jspui/handle/123456789/44962
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