Название: Plant Species Richness and Invasional Meltdown in Different Parts of Acer negundo L. Secondary Range
Авторы: Dubrovin, D.L.
Veselkin, D.V.
Gusev, A.P.
Дубровин, Д.Л.
Веселкин, Д.В.
Гусев, А.П.
Ключевые слова: plant diversity
ash-leaved maple
Acer negundo
plant invasions
invasional meltdown hypothesis
invasion levels
Дата публикации: 2023
Библиографическое описание: Dubrovin, D.I. Plant Species Richness and Invasional Meltdown in Different Parts of Acer negundo L. Secondary Range / Denis I. Dubrovin, Denis V. Veselkin, Andrei P. Gusev // Forests. – 2023. – Vol. 14, No. 11. – P. 2118. – DOI 10.3390/f14112118
Краткий осмотр (реферат): To understand the alien plant invasion patterns, it is important to know if their consequences are equal in different regions, particularly in different parts of the secondary range. In this article, we estimated plant species richness in communities invaded by the North American tree Acer negundo L. in two remote regions: the Belarusian Polesia and the Middle Urals. We tested three hypotheses about: (1) decreased plant species richness in communities invaded by A. negundo; (2) presence of alien species in invaded communities—invasional meltdown hypothesis; and (3) different alien plant species richness in communities of different regions. In each region, 24 sample plots of 400 m2 were described: 12 invaded and 12 non-invaded by A. negundo. The species richness of invaded plots decreased: total richness decreased by 21%–43%; the richness of herbaceous plants decreased by 24%–43%; and woody richness decreased by 8%–44%. The proportion of alien herbs in plots invaded by A. negundo increased by 35%. This is the first, although not exhaustive, confirmation of the invasional meltdown hypothesis for communities invaded by A. negundo. Alien herbs increasingly invaded communities of the Belarusian Polesia, alien trees—communities of the Middle Urals. Thus, regional geographical and floristic conditions should be considered when assessing the invasion consequences.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://elib.gsu.by/handle/123456789/64115
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