Название: Silica gel glasses after laser radiation
Авторы: Shalupaev, S.V.
Semchenko, A.V.
Nikityuk, Y.V.
Шалупаев, С.В.
Семченко, А.В.
Никитюк, Ю.В.
Ключевые слова: sol-gel method
silica glasses
Дата публикации: 2003
Библиографическое описание: Shalupaev, S.V. Silica gel glasses after laser radiation / S.V. Shalupaev, A.V. Semchenko, Y.V. Nikityuk // Material Science. – 2003. – Vol. 21, № 4. – P. 495-500.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The paper describes a ‘combined’ sol-gel process allowing us to fabricate large-sized silica glasses. A comparative analysis of the laser thermosplitting of fused and gel silica glasses is also presented. Basic characteristics and main specific features of the silica-gel glasses obtained are given. The distribution of thermoelastic fields in fused and gel-silica glasses after exposing them to laser thermosplitting is analyzed. Regularities in splitting silica glasses by the laser thermosplitting method have been found. To achieve reliable thermosplitting effects and stable dividing microcracks, special conditions are needed, favouring the formation of initiating microcracks.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://elib.gsu.by/handle123456789/65863
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