Название: On some applications of Fitting like subgroups of finite groups
Авторы: Murashka, V.I.
Vasil’ev, A.F.
Мурашко, В.И.
Васильев, А.Ф.
Ключевые слова: Finite group
Fitting subgroup
generalized Fitting subgroup
hereditary formation
K-F-subnormal subgroup
σ-nilpotent group
Дата публикации: 2020
Библиографическое описание: Murashka, V.I. On some applications of Fitting like subgroups of finite groups / V.I. Murashka, A.F. Vasil’ev // arXiv.org.math.GR. - 2020. - arXiv:2009.0472v1. - P. [1-10].
Краткий осмотр (реферат): In this paper we study the groups all whose maximal or all Sylow subgroups are KF-subnormal in their product the with generalizations F∗(G) and F( ˜ G) of the Fitting subgroup. We prove that a hereditary formation F contains every group all whose Sylow subgroups are K-F-subnormal in their product with F∗(G) if and only if F is the class of all σ-nilpotent groups for some partition σ of the set of all primes. We obtain a new characterization of the σ-nilpotent hypercenter, i.e. the F-hypercenter and the largest normal subgroup which K-F-subnormalize all Sylow subgroups coincide if and only if F is the class of all σ-nilpotent groups.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://elib.gsu.by/handle123456789/73238
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